The pressure to feel put together in the beauty industry, along with the awkwardness of small talk can prevent many from keeping up their hair maintenance. We are happy to provide private appointments in our cozy room, or quiet appointments in the main salon area as well.


Neuro-complexity and diversity are getting some much needed attention lately, especially for females. Whether you struggle with overstimulation from ASD, ADHD, PTSD or just have a more sensitive nervous system, we want to help make your experience as comfortable as possible. A private hair appointment might be a great solution for you or a loved one.


Postpartum is an amazing time to get pampered and take care of your hair, as it tends to thin and need some TLC a few months after delivery. Our private room has a rocking chair and is the perfect place to pump or breast-feed, as well as providing privacy for kiddos who may be nervous during a haircut.


Please check our our comfort options on our booking site or reach out to request any accommodations for sensory sensitivities or disabilities. We look forward to taking care of you!